About Me

Hello there! My name is Zeeann McCarty. I'm a junior at University of California Davis and I am double majoring in Psychology and Design!

In the future I would like to become a therapist with a background in interior design. I am interested in using the psychology of colors and patterns to design spaces that promote better mental health. Whether that be in schools, offices, or public spaces.


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In high school, I was a member of the Society of Women Engineers club and our project won first place at SWENEXT which was held at Cal Poly SLO. My team worked all year on a rendering for an idea with Project Surf Camp, which provides recreational learning directly aimed towards children with special needs. Our goal was to develop a prototype for a seat that could attach to the surfboard which would support the child, mold to their form, and allow for less workers to manage each board. This would promote better efficiency and make it possible for more children to get time on the board and in the water learning.


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Although I am not an engineer by any means, I do enjoy learning the process of how things are made. One of my favorite things to do when I was younger was to watch the show "How It's Made" with my family because I found the mechanisms fascinating. I enjoy building and making things with my hands. So one of my hobbies is crocheting because it involves making forms and configuring it all together with sewing. Here is a lamb that I made.

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Along with crocheting, I also enjoy the outdoors, singing, photography, and spending quality time with friends and family. I am a leader in my campus fellowship called Davis Christian Fellowship and very involved in that community. I love stargazing in my free time, but I also work for the physics department as a Roof Helper for the Astronomy Lab here on campus. Here's a cool photo I took of the Moon!

I am excited to aid IFIXIT in their mission of providing user-centered technical guides that are accessible and comprehensible by the public. I am also excited to work on my technical writing skills and to learn something new along the way!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know a bit about me!