
Hi, I'm Riya and I'm a senior chemical engineering major at UC Davis!

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Professional Experience and Aspirations

My goal is to learn as much from experience in engineering industries as possible and eventually work in the world of renewable and sustainable energy.

So far I've had the privilege of completing a year-long internship at the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District and look forward to starting my new internship at Chevron's Richmond Refinery in the summer!

Repair experience

Most of my repair experience is textile; I've fixed and altered many articles of clothes for both myself and others either by hand or with a sewing machine. These include, but aren't limited to, hemming pants, patching holes, resewing tears in pillows and duvet covers, adjusting strap lengths, etc. Though, like most people, I've had my fair share of random uncategorized fixes.


A favorite hobby of mine is drawing and painting and I find I'll likely enjoy any type of craft that lets me work with my hands and get creative. In my free time you'll likely find me spending time with my friends, enjoying the local Davis restaurants, or going on little trips!

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