Hello! My name is Alejandra Medina and i’m a junior year student from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. I’m currently majoring in Chemical Engineering. My aspiration is to graduate and use my engineering knowledge to work on an industry and provide more sustainable processes while making life easier for people with the use of technology. I have used CAD to create a mask through 3D printing, I created the flowchart of a manufacture process, a perfume and I learned to code a little. I fixed a ring light with my dad once, i’m not very hands on because of my hand tremor but I’m creative so I can give ideas on how to fix stuff. I’ve received awards because of honor roll, science fair, spelling bee, math competition and being a STEM camp participant. I currently belong in the American Society for Engineering Education as the Research Leader. This project relates to me because i’ve always wanted to do more hands on stuff and to fix stuff around the house. I’m multitask a lot, I do a lot of exercise because I belong in the judo UPRM team. I also love music, painting, sewing and practicing mindfulness.