
Hi there! This is Xinyi Min, a newly transferred student at York University.


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Before transferred to YorkU, I studied International Studies and Public Relations. Now, majoring in Information Technology, I am stepping into a whole new world. This is not easy, but I’m enjoying it.


I would like to work as a programmer or an IT manager in the future.

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During all those years studying social science, I have been quite used to the writing style of standard social science essays.  However, now I’m preparing to be an IT professional after graduation, which actually asks me to add more “IT flavor” to my writing style. Participating in the iFixit project, I am looking forward to gaining practical experience in technical writing.


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One thing that I really want to talk about is that I once worked as an intern at Wildfor.Life, which is a project guided by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to protect endangered animals. My responsibilities included updating Wildfor.Life’s official website and promoting the campaign on various social media platforms. This campaign won the Webby Award of People’s Choice of that year.

Another thing I’d like to mention is my recent experience of working as a tutor, to teach Chinese students oral English and help them prepare for TOEFL Speaking Test. Many Chinese students have to give up their dream of studying abroad simply because they cannot get a decent grade on TOEFL Speaking Test and my task is to help them out. This is not only a great chance for me myself to elevate my English speaking and teaching skills, but also a good cause to help others realize their dreams.

Repair Experience

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I have minimal experience with repairing things, but I am experienced in collecting and selecting scattered information and organizing it in a readable way. For some of the electrical devices, though we can find some repair guides online, they are sometimes not really easy to read or follow. Therefore, I am excited to contribute by reorganizing existed guides, making them more understandable and easy to follow.


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I am really into reading classic novels, travelling and photography in my free time.