This repair will help replace the glides of the legs on your wood stool in order to make it more stable. In addition this guide requires the purchase of glides but they are very cheap and last a long time. This repair requires tools that are dangerous and must be used with the greatest precision in order to compete a long lasting fix. This repair may also be more helpful with two people and it may decrease the time it takes to compete the repair.
Turn the stool upside down so it is stable on the ground and the legs are faced up in the air.
Use a 1.59mm drill bit and unscrew the screw from all four legs. Then remove the screw on glides.
Make sure the drill is faced straight up and down or the screw will become stripped.
Pry the remaining part of the screw with a hammer if the screw is not drilled out all of the way.
Use a 1.59mm drill bit to drill on the new screw on glides in the center of all four stool legs.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.