Locate the red and black wires going from the board to the molex connector (white plastic) that connects to the motor wiring molex. Seperate the motor molex from the board molex. Use a thin micro-scredriver to take the red and white pins out of the molex (connected to the board). You will have to use a bit of force but not too much.
Now swap and reinsert the red and the black wires pins on the molex - the final configuraiton should be as shown here with the black on the edge and the red inside.
Reassember the shredder (i.e. fix back all the screws that you took out). Now move the switch to the far right (i.e. reverse position). The shredder should start working - the reverse is now forward and the forward will be reverse (but will not work since the relay is dead).
It will now work - but you will have to manually switch it off since Auto will not work. Do not leave it unattended.