Remove or replace the water tank on an India Mark II water hand pump.
Pull the pump handle all the way down and hold it in this position, exposing the pump rod.
Place the spacer around the pump rod and under the chain attachment point.
Lift the pump lever until there is no tension in the chain and hold it in this position.
There are 4 bolts securing the head section to the water tank, located at the corners of head section base.
Remove the 4 bolts on the base of the water tank.
Lift the pump head off of the water tank and place in a sanitary place, preferably above ground, to prevent contamination.
Lift the plunger assembly and separator plate and place a rod clamp below the separator plate.
Tighten the rod clamp and gently set the separator plate on top of it.
Remove the spacer.
Hold the rod clamp steady while removing the chain from the pump rod. Check the chain for signs of damage.
Remove the lock nut by turning it counterclockwise.
Remove the separator plate.
Lift up on the T-handle to take pressure off the rod clamp.
Remove the rod clamp and slowly lower the T-handle.
There are 4 bolts securing the water tank to the pump base. They are located at the bottom corners of the water tank.
Remove the 4 bolts on the base of the water tank.
Lift the water tank up approximately 1 foot.
Place a base clamp around the exposed pipe and tighten it against the riser main.
Secure the base clamp to the pump base with two bolt and nut sets installed on opposite sides of each other.
Turn the water tank counterclockwise until it comes free from the pipe.
Lift the water tank up against the T-handle and secure the rod clamp to the pump rod.
Remove the T-handle.
Remove the water tank and check for signs of blockage.
Store in a sanitary place to prevent contamination.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.