Having trouble getting the thread though the eensy-weensy eye of that needle? Not to worry—a needle threader makes the task simple.
Take the needle threader in one hand, and the needle in your other hand.
Insert the wire loop on the needle threader through the eye of the needle.
Hold both the needle threader and needle in one hand, while keeping the loop of wire on the needle threader through the eye of the needle.
Insert your thread through the loop of wire on the needle threader.
Pull the thread through the loop so that you have a tail of least a few inches in length.
While holding both threads, pull the wire loop of the needle threader out of the eye of the needle.
Once the wire loop is out of the eye, release the tail end of the thread.
Pull the needle threader off the thread. This will bring the tail end through.
Pull the tail end of the thread until both threads are equal in length.
Holding both lengths of thread together, tie a knot near the end and pull it tight.
thank you for this
it helped me with
sewing project
For years I have been doing this the hard way. I had no idea what the threader was. I have thrown so many away not knowing what they were. Thank you so much. You've made what i enjoy doing (sewing projects), even more enjoyable.
Shannon B, 01/06/2016
Though I had a needle threader but didn't know how to use it ?
Your guidelines really helped me. Thanks a lot.
vickysos -