This guide will show you how to fix a broken silent wall clock due to a faulty movement mechanism. This guide will learn how to fix the clock to its working order. During the process of this you are required to use only one household tool and with that it won’t take a lot of time and energy. Majority of people who own wall clocks do not reuse them as they see no usage when the battery dies from a wall clock or the clock timing is wrong. This repair information is needed because it is helpful to save you from spending money on replacing your Wall Clock with a new one.
Clean the battery terminals in the battery compartment using isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab.
Dry the battery terminals with a clean cloth or paper towels so the terminals are not wet when a new battery is being inserted.
Once the terminals have dried up, remove the glass lens covering the faceplate of the clock to make any adjustments.
Turn the display face up, ensuring the clock hands do not touch each other.
Correct the time by moving the hands of the clock and inserting the new battery.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
catellano por favor.gracias.
You don't need to open the clock to set the time - just turn that circle dial on the backside of the clock! What is this guide "fixing" anyway??
Ari -