Learn how to fix a tear in your piece of clothing with these simple steps.
To begin stitching:
Take the threaded needle in your fingers and place under one end of the tear with the needle pointing up.
Poke the needle through the left side of the tear and pull on the needle upward until the knot reaches the material and stops the thread from going any further upward.
Turn the needle downward on the right side of the tear, poke a hole making the needle go through the hole with the thread following.
Poke hole on the underside of the left side of the tear.
Pull the needle slowly until the knot won't allow you to pull anymore.
Continue to stitch until the needle reaches the other end of the tear, making sure that the stitches are close enough together that the material from one end of the tear and the other end are sewn tightly together with little to no gaps.
When you get to the end of the tear, prepare to make a knot.
Make a small stitch but this time pull the needle upward through the loop formed and pull up until the loop closes. Do at least twice.
Cut the leftover thread off with the scissors so you are left with about an inch of thread dangling after the knot.